Home » Reviving the Spirit: A Guide on Bringing Back PLUR in 2024 and Beyond

Reviving the Spirit: A Guide on Bringing Back PLUR in 2024 and Beyond

by Nadia Khan
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EDM festivals are more than just music events; they’re immersive experiences where diverse communities come together to celebrate a shared love for electronic dance music. Some people fear that PLUR is dying, especially after the frightening and irritable event that occurred  this weekend at EDC Mexico, where attendees stampeded the entry gates. To ensure that everyone has an unforgettable and positive experience, embracing EDM festival courtesy is paramount. Let’s explore some essential guidelines to continue fostering a culture of peace, love, unity & respect (PLUR) this year. 


Lead by example

For the festival veterans, we all remember our first show or festival. We may have had someone introduce us into the culture and scene. Be that person for someone else, and embody the positive behaviors you want to continue seeing at shows & festivals to keep PLUR alive.

Look out for each other – see something say something

The festival community thrives off not only the interest in music, but also the love for one another. Keep an eye out for fellow attendees, especially those who may need assistance. Get help from festival security or staff if you believe someone is ODing and administer Narcan if appropriate & available. Offering water, help someone who looks lost, report concerns to security, address pickpocketing. Your actions contribute to a safe and supportive environment. 


Embrace inclusivity

The EDM community thrives on diversity and inclusivity. Embrace different cultures, backgrounds, body types, and expressions. Spread positivity, make new friends, and contribute to the collective celebration of music and unity.


Respect festival staff

Festival organizers and staff work tirelessly to create a seamless and enjoyable experience. Show appreciation by following their instructions, respecting event rules, and acknowledging their efforts. A positive attitude goes a long way in fostering a vibrant festival atmosphere.


Be conscious of noise levels

While music is at the core of EDM festivals, not everyone may share the same taste. Use headphones or move away from stages when engaging in conversations, allowing others to enjoy the festival in their own way. The last thing someone wants is their favorite set to be ruined by nonstop, loud talking around them. 


Dance mindfully 

Expressing yourself through dance is a fundamental part of the festival experience. However, it’s essential to be conscious of those around you. Avoid aggressive or overly energetic movements that could disrupt the enjoyment of others. Be conscious of mosh pits, and when someone falls, bring them right back up with you.


Respect personal space

EDM festivals are often crowded, with people dancing and enjoying the music. It’s crucial to be mindful of personal space and avoid invasive actions. Dance freely, but be aware of the space you occupy to prevent unintentional collisions. Do not try to wait until the set starts to push to the front, while others have been waiting/saving their spot for the majority of the night. The least you can say is “excuse me” & “thank you” as you pass by people. 


Consume responsibly 

Embracing responsible consumption at an EDM festival or show is key to ensuring a safe and fun-filled experience for all. Whether it’s managing alcohol intake, making informed decisions about recreational substances, or staying hydrated, taking a mindful approach enhances both personal well-being and the collective festival atmosphere. Prioritize moderation, test your stuff, and know your limits, so that others around you can enjoy themselves too. 


EDM festivals are vibrant, energy-filled gatherings where people come together to celebrate music, art, and community. By embracing peace, love, unity & respect, each attendee becomes an essential part of creating an atmosphere that fosters joy and connection. Let’s dance, celebrate, and contribute to an unforgettable experience for everyone at the next EDM festival.

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